Cragen foch felen, hwyau (Sue Burton)


Tanategir y Cynllun Rheoli gan Amcanion Cadwraeth y safle, a gynhyrchwyd gan Gyfoeth Naturiol Cymru. Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru / Cyngor Cadwraeth ar gyfer Safleoedd Morol Ewropeaidd (Rheoliad 37)


Rheolwyr yr ACA

Adroddiadau a gomisiynwyd


Liles, G (2003) Otter (Lutra lutra) activity and habitat availability on the Pembrokeshire coast and Milford Haven waterway, within the Pembrokeshire Marine candidate Special Area of Conservation. A report for the Pembrokeshire Marine SAC Relevant Authorities Group, Milford Haven.

Parry, G.S (2008) Diet of the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) within the Pembrokeshire Marine SAC region. A report for the Pembrokeshire Marine SAC Relevant Authorities Group.

Liles, G (2009) Otter (Lutra lutra) activity on the open coast & islands within the Pembrokeshire Marine Special Area of Conservation.  A report to the Pembrokeshire Marine SAC Relevant Authorities Group.

Parry, G.S (2010) Otter diet on Ramsey Island.

Parry, G.S., Cox, B., Burton, S., Forman. D.W. (2010) Diet of coastal foraging Eurasian otters (Lutra lutra L.) in Pembrokeshire south-west Wales European Journal of Wildlife Research.

Parry, G.S (2012) Otter prey items on Ramsey and the associated Pembrokeshire coastline.

Liles, G (2017) Otter (Lutra lutra) activity and habitat availability on the Pembrokeshire coast within the Pembrokeshire Marine Special Area of Conservation. 2012-2017 Follow-up investigation. A report for the Pembrokeshire Marine SAC Relevant Authorities Group, Milford Haven.

Cod ymddygiad palu am abwyd y Gann:

Bean E.J and Appleby T.P.S (2014). Guidelines for Sustainable Intertidal Bait and Seaweed Collection in Wales: Legislative Review. A report to the Pembrokeshire Marine SAC Relevant Authorities Group, University of the West of England: Bristol. 46 pp


An underwater video of the SAC is freely available on DVD or on Youtube in 5 clips (see below). Produced by MarineSeen. Contact the SAC Officer to request a copy.

‘What’s so Special?’ SAC Video 1

‘What’s so Special?’ SAC Video 2

‘What’s so Special?’ SAC Video 3

‘What’s so Special?’ SAC Video 4

‘What’s so Special?’ SAC Video 5

Hand-held video footage taken by the Countryside Council for Wales in July 2001. Footage is used by CCW to illustrate the seabed environment and its flora and fauna. This clip shows a variety of species filmed in sea caves around the Pembrokeshire coast.

Marine underwater video of Skomer Marine Nature Reserve. Sponges, anemones and hydroids.

Marine underwater video of Pembrokeshire Marine SAC – Rocky reef. sponges, hydroids, anemones and fish.