Getting Involved
Everyone can make a difference. By all “doing our bit” we can ensure that we protect not just some fascinating marine species and important habitats, but important economic assets for the area and an opportunity to further enhance the reputation of Pembrokeshire as an area of good environmental quality. Successful management of the Special Area of Conservation is not only dependent on the statutory authorities, but all stakeholders of the site including interested bodies, individual users, and local communities. Successful management will ensure that the Pembrokeshire Marine SAC can be enjoyed and used as a resource for future generations to come.
You can help to make a difference in one or some of the following ways:
- Be aware of the marine wildlife of Pembrokeshire. By visiting this website, you are increasing your understanding of what is hidden out there under the sea. Be proud of what is there and share that knowledge with others.
- Report your marine life sightings. Your information is valuable!
- Understand how your activity has the potential to cause harm to marine wildlife and follow guidance provided in marine codes of conduct to minimise that and be a responsible user of the coast and sea.
- If you have any concerns about impacts to wildlife, or see any pollution contact Natural Resources Wales through their incident hotline on 0300 065 3000 or email icc@naturalresourceswales.gov.uk.
- If you’d like to help with land-based practical environmental projects, then look at volunteer opportunities via the Pembrokeshire Nature Partnership who can link you with projects underway with the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park, National Trust or Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales. Voluntary opportunities range from practical conservation work, survey work, administration assistance or helping at events. Opportunities to aid sea-based work can be found with Sea Trust.
- Be pro-active and help to keep the marine environment pollution-free by cleaning a beach.
- Good environmental practice will help protect all natural resources which all living things rely on.
- Mind your carbon footprint and reduce energy consumption.
- Make safe, sustainable food choices.
- For everything, reduce, reuse and only then resort to recycle it.
- In particular, reduce your use of single-use plastics.
- After limiting your waste, then ensure safe disposal of it (such as not pouring oil or paints down sinks and drains).
- Conserve water and reduce runoff.
- Be a responsible traveller and help to reduce the spread of non-native species. Check, Clean, Dry
- Support organisations working to protect the ocean and influence change in your community.