Octopus (Seasearch - David Kipling)


Management of the Pembrokeshire Marine SAC is supplemented and aided by running projects tackling specific issues and through raising awareness about the amazing marine life we have here.

Bloody Henry Starfish (John Archer-Thomson)

Natur am Byth!
Species restoration work

Current project working with the Marine Conservation Society and Natural Resources Wales.

Gannet underwater

Marine Codes
Marine recreation work

Codes of conduct to minimise impacts on wildlife.


Seagrass Ocean Rescue
Seagrass restoration work in Dale

The first full scale seagrass restoration project in the UK.

SWEPT award

Water quality work

Award winning citizen science project which helped to raise awareness and gather water quality data.


Native Oyster Regeneration

Paving the way for Native Oyster regeneration within the Milford Haven Waterway

Sustainable Shellfish
Fisheries work

Pembrokeshire Sustainable Shellfish Initiative tested methods to minimise by-catch and ghost fishing.