Species cards on shore - Sue Burton

Seashore Activity Pack

The seashore activity pack is a bilingual marine education resource developed by the SAC Officer for Pembrokeshire schools, organised groups, and families. An indication of age applicability is given for 3-6 years or 6+ years. The pack really is for everyone whether part of a school trip or simply a visit to the seashore with family or friends.

The pack contains ideas for activities that take place on the seashore, and ideas for activities that can take place separately to a seashore visit. Whilst visiting the seashore is obviously strongly encouraged and many ideas are ideal as follow-up activities, it is possible to learn a lot and gain much enjoyment from the marine environment from a distance too. Ideas are given for additional activities relating to mathematics and numeracy, science and technology, humanities, languages, literacy and communication, expressive arts, and health and well-being.

The activities in this resource are interlinked and one activity can lead to another. You can follow a theme and work through the activities in as much detail as you have capacity for, or you may want to lift out your own assortment of activities; consider it a seashore ‘pick and mix’.

There are some standalone resources that can be used to help a visit to a rocky shore (rocky shore spotter’s sheet and species cards) or to a beach/strandline (beach bingo). 

The seashore activity pack builds upon previous work in collaboration with Silent World and the Darwin Centre taking the rocky shore into the classroom with the SDF funded Marine Awareness Roadshows for Schools.

Rocky shore spotters guide - English

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